CS373 Spring 2021: Vaishnav Bipin (Week 10)

Vaishnav Bipin
2 min readApr 5, 2021

What did you do this past week?
In the first couple of days of this past week, my IDB project group and I finished up phase II of the project. After having spent several weeks on phase II of the IDB project, I used the majority of the past week to catch up and stay focused in my other classes. Additionally, I had the second midterm of my algorithms class this past week, which I had to study for.

What’s in your way?
Nothing is in my way.

What will you do next week?
With IDB phase III due in a little over a week, I will be working on that with my group over the next week, starting with a group meeting later today to discuss what needs to be done. I hope the overall design of our phase II project doesn’t make adding additional features, such as filtering and sorting, too difficult.

If you read it, what did you think of the Dependency Inversion Principle?
The principle states that higher level and more abstract modules shouldn’t depend on lower level modules and software dealing with implementation details. As a principle that is a result of two of the other design principles, Open-Closed and Liskov Substitution, the idea wasn’t completely foreign to me and was easy to understand. The examples outlining how to transform a class hierarchy of “bad design” into one that follows the Dependency Inversion principle were especially useful in understanding how to carry out the use of this principle in practice.

What was your experience of =, *, ** and decorators?
I found the special operators =, *, and ** an interesting and structured way by which Python adds flexibility to passing arguments to a function, and believe they are very important and will be very useful to me in the future. The exercises on decorators this week aided my understanding of their use.

What made you happy this week?
Expecting a very painful headache among other side effects, I was very happy when I got my second COVID-19 vaccine this week and experienced no painful side effects.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
When working with databases with Flask-SQLAlchemy, it is very simple to reconfigure the database you want to use. As a result, you can test stuff on a local sqlite database up until the moment you need to switch over to your production MySQL or PostgreSQL database.



Vaishnav Bipin

Computer Science Undergraduate at the University of Texas at Austin